A Brief History of Electric Vehicles

While many people think of electric cars as a fairly new invention, the electric vehicle, or EV, has been around for nearly two centuries. The first EV dates back to the 1830s. Many different models were built across Europe and America. Many versions have been created with improved batteries. By the late 1880s, major development..

Benefits of electric vehicles

With the proliferation of electric cars, the costs of owning one are dropping rapidly. The reason is that drivers can enjoy a lot of benefits by making the switch. Electric vehicles offer a lot of benefits, such as savings in taxes, fuel, and maintenance costs, to name a few. These cars can save you a..

Benefits of electric cars

Electric cars are the new addition to the automotive industry. With the advancement of technology in today's era, the automobile industry has also focused on electric models of the car. Although these are not used mostly today, hybrid cars are also available that run on electricity and gas. The biggest advantage of using these cars..

The exciting future of electric cars

Not only will these cars reduce the damage to our environment, but they will come with more beneficial developments as we will learn from this article. All car manufacturers are ready to come up with the best version of these types of cars to beat the competition in the market. This will finally benefit the..

How do electric cars work

An electric car, as its name suggests, is a type of vehicle that moves on the power of batteries rather than liquid fuels such as diesel or petrol. The concept is very old but has recently gained momentum due to factors such as the need for green cars, cheaper transportation, and sheer innovation. Once noticed,..

How do electric cars work?

Most of us would have come across the concept of electric powered cars. How is it different from gas powered vehicles and how do they work? An electric car is the same as a gas-powered car, except that it runs on battery instead of gas. Power from the battery is supplied to the electric motor..
